
Over the past year, like many millennials finding it increasingly difficult to pay the rent and afford daily essentials, I began making and selling stuffed animals to help make ends meet. Through a literal smashing together of materials, "Bearings" brings together the "fine art" studio practice of painting and my "craft" plushie-making hustle to challenge the notion that art exists separately from everyday life; that "craft" is separate from "fine art," and who or what "belongs" in a particular space. Polarized ideas on art and labor perpetuate harmful exploitative frameworks related to success, production, consumption, labor, and social class. As millennials are projected to make up 75% of the US workforce by 2025, we face the reality of being the first generation in American history to generate less wealth than our parents. What makes a teddy bear worth $25 at a boutique shop, or $400 paired with a canvas or frame in a gallery space? Who gets to decide what our labor is worth and who it serves?

What do you have in mind?

Canvas, mini-teddy bears
